Sander Schobers
- Includes PointF, RectangleF and PolygonF. Additional it includes the 32 bit floating point PointF32 and wrappers to image.Point and image.Rectangle.
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82 lines
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package geom
import (
// PointF is an X, Y coordinate pair (floating point).
type PointF struct {
X, Y float64
// PtF is a shorthand function to create a point.
func PtF(x, y float64) PointF {
return PointF{X: x, Y: y}
// String formats the point p as a string.
func (p Point) String() string {
return "(" + strconv.Itoa(p.X) + "," + strconv.Itoa(p.Y) + ")"
// To32 transforms the point p into a PointF32.
func (p PointF) To32() PointF32 {
return PointF32{float32(p.X), float32(p.Y)}
// Add adds q as a vector to p
func (p PointF) Add(q PointF) PointF {
return PointF{p.X + q.X, p.Y + q.Y}
// AngleTo calculates the angle [0..2*Pi) from point p to point q.
func (p PointF) AngleTo(q PointF) float64 {
a := math.Atan((p.Y - q.Y) / (p.X - q.X))
if q.X < p.X {
return a + math.Pi
if a < 0 {
a += 2 * math.Pi
return a
// Distance calculates the distance between points p and q.
func (p PointF) Distance(q PointF) float64 {
return math.Sqrt(p.Distance2(q))
// Distance2 calculates the squared distance between points p and q.
func (p PointF) Distance2(q PointF) float64 {
dx := q.X - p.X
dy := q.Y - p.Y
return dx*dx + dy*dy
// In tests if the point p is inside the rectangle r.
func (p PointF) In(r RectangleF) bool {
if p.X < r.Min.X || p.X >= r.Max.X || p.Y < r.Min.Y || p.Y >= r.Max.Y {
return false
return true
// InPolygon tests is the point p is inside the polygon q.
func (p PointF) InPolygon(q PolygonF) bool {
var n = len(q.Points)
var c = false
var i = 0
var j = n - 1
for i < n {
if ((q.Points[i].Y >= p.Y) != (q.Points[j].Y >= p.Y)) &&
(p.X <= (q.Points[j].X-q.Points[i].X)*(p.Y-q.Points[i].Y)/(q.Points[j].Y-q.Points[i].Y)+q.Points[i].X) {
c = !c
j = i
return c