Added overridable text padding.

This commit is contained in:
Sander Schobers 2021-07-19 07:58:46 +02:00
parent 764f2a0dd2
commit c0586c1d8f
7 changed files with 92 additions and 45 deletions

View File

@ -40,30 +40,30 @@ func BuildIconButton(icon, text string, fn func(b *Button)) *Button {
func (b *Button) desiredSize(ctx Context) geom.PointF32 {
var pad = ctx.Style().Dimensions.TextPadding
var font = b.Font_(ctx)
var pad = b.ActualTextPadding(ctx)
var font = b.ActualFont(ctx)
var w, h float32 = 0, font.Height()
icon, iconW, iconH := b.icon(ctx)
if len(b.Text) == 0 {
if icon != nil && iconH > 0 {
w = pad + iconW + pad
w = pad.Left + iconW + pad.Right
h = iconH
} else {
w += pad + font.WidthOf(b.Text) + pad
w += pad.Left + font.WidthOf(b.Text) + pad.Right
if icon != nil && iconH > 0 {
if b.IconHeight == 0 {
iconW = iconW * h / iconH
// iconH = h
w += iconW + pad
w += iconW + pad.Right
if w == 0 {
return geom.ZeroPtF32
return geom.PtF32(w, pad+h+pad)
return geom.PtF32(w, pad.Top+h+pad.Bottom)
func (b *Button) icon(ctx Context) (Texture, float32, float32) {
@ -203,8 +203,8 @@ func (b *Button) Render(ctx Context) {
bounds.Min.X += .5 * deltaX
bounds.Min.Y += .5 * deltaY
var pad = style.Dimensions.TextPadding
bounds = bounds.Inset(pad)
pad := b.ActualTextPadding(ctx)
bounds = pad.InsetRect(bounds)
boundsH := bounds.Dy()
pos := bounds.Min
icon, iconW, iconH := b.icon(ctx)
@ -222,10 +222,10 @@ func (b *Button) Render(ctx Context) {
iconOffsetY = .5 * (boundsH - iconH)
ctx.Renderer().DrawTextureOptions(icon, geom.RectRelF32(pos.X, pos.Y+iconOffsetY, iconW, iconH), DrawOptions{Tint: textColor})
pos.X += iconW + pad
pos.X += iconW + pad.Right
if len(b.Text) != 0 {
font := b.Font_(ctx)
font := b.ActualFont(ctx)
ctx.Renderer().Text(font, geom.PtF32(pos.X, pos.Y+.5*(boundsH-font.Height())), textColor, b.Text)

View File

@ -22,16 +22,16 @@ func BuildCheckbox(text string, fn func(c *Checkbox)) *Checkbox {
func (c *Checkbox) desiredSize(ctx Context) geom.PointF32 {
var pad = ctx.Style().Dimensions.TextPadding
font := c.Font_(ctx)
pad := c.ActualTextPadding(ctx)
font := c.ActualFont(ctx)
var w, h float32 = 0, font.Height()
if len(c.Text) != 0 {
w += pad + font.WidthOf(c.Text)
w += pad.Left + font.WidthOf(c.Text)
icon := c.getOrCreateNormalIcon(ctx)
_, iconWidth := ScaleToHeight(SizeOfTexture(icon).ToF32(), h)
w += pad + iconWidth
return geom.PtF32(w+pad, pad+h+pad)
w += pad.Left + iconWidth
return geom.PtF32(w+pad.Right, pad.Top+h+pad.Bottom)
func (c *Checkbox) icon(ctx Context) Texture {
@ -108,8 +108,8 @@ func (c *Checkbox) Render(ctx Context) {
fore := c.TextColor(ctx)
bounds := c.bounds
var pad = style.Dimensions.TextPadding
bounds = bounds.Inset(pad)
pad := c.ActualTextPadding(ctx)
bounds = pad.InsetRect(bounds)
boundsH := bounds.Dy()
pos := bounds.Min
icon := c.icon(ctx)
@ -125,10 +125,10 @@ func (c *Checkbox) Render(ctx Context) {
_, iconWidth := ScaleToHeight(SizeOfTexture(scaledIcon).ToF32(), boundsH)
rect := geom.RectRelF32(pos.X, pos.Y, iconWidth, boundsH)
ctx.Renderer().DrawTextureOptions(scaledIcon, rect, DrawOptions{Tint: iconColor})
pos.X += iconWidth + pad
pos.X += iconWidth + pad.Right
if len(c.Text) != 0 {
font := c.Font_(ctx)
font := c.ActualFont(ctx)
ctx.Renderer().Text(font, geom.PtF32(pos.X, pos.Y+.5*(boundsH-font.Height())), fore, c.Text)

View File

@ -103,6 +103,7 @@ type ControlBase struct {
Background color.Color
Font FontStyle
TextAlignment HorizontalAlignment
TextPadding SideLengths
Disabled bool
@ -188,11 +189,15 @@ func (c *ControlBase) HandleNotify(ctx Context, e Event, notifier Notifier) bool
return false
func (c *ControlBase) Font_(ctx Context) Font {
func (c *ControlBase) ActualFont(ctx Context) Font {
name := c.FontName(ctx)
return ctx.Fonts().Font(name)
func (c *ControlBase) ActualTextPadding(ctx Context) Sides {
return c.TextPadding.Zero(ctx.Style().Dimensions.TextPadding)
func (c *ControlBase) FontColor(ctx Context, color color.Color) color.Color {
if c.Disabled {
return ctx.Style().Palette.TextOnDisabled

View File

@ -28,11 +28,11 @@ func (l *Label) hashDesiredSize(ctx Context) string {
func (l *Label) desiredSize(ctx Context) interface{} {
font := l.Font_(ctx)
font := l.ActualFont(ctx)
width := font.WidthOf(l.Text)
height := font.Height()
pad := ctx.Style().Dimensions.TextPadding
return geom.PtF32(width+pad*2, height+pad*2)
pad := l.ActualTextPadding(ctx)
return geom.PtF32(pad.Left+width+pad.Right, pad.Top+height+pad.Bottom)
func (l *Label) DesiredSize(ctx Context, _ geom.PointF32) geom.PointF32 {
@ -40,8 +40,8 @@ func (l *Label) DesiredSize(ctx Context, _ geom.PointF32) geom.PointF32 {
func (l *Label) getLabelTopLeft(ctx Context) geom.PointF32 {
pad := ctx.Style().Dimensions.TextPadding
bounds := l.bounds.Inset(pad)
pad := l.ActualTextPadding(ctx)
bounds := pad.InsetRect(l.bounds)
switch l.TextAlignment {
case AlignRight:
return geom.PtF32(bounds.Max.X, bounds.Min.Y)

View File

@ -24,9 +24,54 @@ func Fixed(l float32) *Length { return &Length{l} }
func Infinite() *Length { return &Length{geom.NaN32()} }
func ZL() *Length { return &Length{0} }
type SideLengths struct {
Left *Length
Top *Length
Right *Length
Bottom *Length
func (l SideLengths) InsetRect(r geom.RectangleF32) geom.RectangleF32 {
return Sides{
Left: l.Left.Value(),
Top: l.Top.Value(),
Right: l.Right.Value(),
Bottom: l.Bottom.Value(),
func (l SideLengths) Zero(value float32) Sides {
return Sides{
Left: l.Left.Zero(value),
Top: l.Top.Zero(value),
Right: l.Right.Zero(value),
Bottom: l.Bottom.Zero(value),
type Sides struct {
Left float32
Top float32
Right float32
Bottom float32
func (s Sides) InsetRect(r geom.RectangleF32) geom.RectangleF32 {
if r.Dx() < (s.Left + s.Right) {
r.Min.X += r.Dx() * s.Left / (s.Left + s.Right)
r.Max.X = r.Min.X
} else {
r.Min.X += s.Left
r.Max.X -= s.Right
if r.Dy() < (s.Top + s.Bottom) {
r.Min.Y += r.Dy() * s.Top / (s.Top + s.Bottom)
r.Max.Y = r.Min.Y
} else {
r.Min.Y += s.Top
r.Max.Y -= s.Bottom
return r

View File

@ -26,11 +26,11 @@ func BuildParagraph(text string, fn func(*Paragraph)) *Paragraph {
func fastFormatFloat32(f float32) string { return strconv.FormatFloat(float64(f), 'b', 32, 32) }
func (p *Paragraph) desiredSize(ctx Context) interface{} {
font := p.Font_(ctx)
font := p.ActualFont(ctx)
pad := ctx.Style().Dimensions.TextPadding
lines := p.splitInLines(ctx, p.width-2*pad)
return geom.PtF32(p.width, float32(len(lines))*font.Height()+2*pad)
pad := p.ActualTextPadding(ctx)
lines := p.splitInLines(ctx, p.width-pad.Left-pad.Right)
return geom.PtF32(p.width, float32(len(lines))*font.Height()+pad.Top+pad.Bottom)
func (p *Paragraph) hashTextArranged(ctx Context) string {
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ func (p *Paragraph) hashTextDesired(ctx Context) string {
func (p *Paragraph) splitInLines(ctx Context, width float32) []string {
font := p.Font_(ctx)
font := p.ActualFont(ctx)
spaces := func(s string) []int { // creates a slice with indices where spaces can be found in string s
var spaces []int
@ -91,8 +91,8 @@ func (p *Paragraph) splitInLines(ctx Context, width float32) []string {
func (p *Paragraph) updateLines(ctx Context) interface{} {
pad := ctx.Style().Dimensions.TextPadding
return p.splitInLines(ctx, p.Bounds().Dx()-2*pad)
pad := p.ActualTextPadding(ctx)
return p.splitInLines(ctx, p.Bounds().Dx()-pad.Left-pad.Right)
func (p *Paragraph) DesiredSize(ctx Context, size geom.PointF32) geom.PointF32 {
@ -104,14 +104,14 @@ func (p *Paragraph) DesiredSize(ctx Context, size geom.PointF32) geom.PointF32 {
func (p *Paragraph) Render(ctx Context) {
pad := ctx.Style().Dimensions.TextPadding
width := p.Bounds().Dx() - 2*pad
pad := p.ActualTextPadding(ctx)
width := p.Bounds().Dx() - pad.Left - pad.Right
lines := p.lines.GetContext(ctx, p.updateLines, p.hashTextArranged).([]string)
fontColor := p.TextColor(ctx)
fontName := p.FontName(ctx)
fontHeight := ctx.Fonts().Font(fontName).Height()
bounds := p.bounds.Inset(pad)
bounds := pad.InsetRect(p.bounds)
left := bounds.Min.X
switch p.TextAlignment {

View File

@ -49,21 +49,18 @@ func BuildTextBox(fn func(*TextBox)) *TextBox {
return b
func (b *TextBox) pad(ctx Context) float32 {
return ctx.Style().Dimensions.TextPadding
func (b *TextBox) Arrange(ctx Context, bounds geom.RectangleF32, offset geom.PointF32, parent Control) {
b.ControlBase.Arrange(ctx, bounds, offset, parent), bounds.Inset(b.pad(ctx)), offset, b)
pad := b.ActualTextPadding(ctx), pad.InsetRect(bounds), offset, b)
func (b *TextBox) DesiredSize(ctx Context, _ geom.PointF32) geom.PointF32 {
font := b.Font_(ctx)
font := b.ActualFont(ctx)
var width = font.WidthOf(b.Text)
var height = font.Height()
var pad = b.pad(ctx)
return geom.PtF32(width+pad*2, height+pad*2)
pad := b.ActualTextPadding(ctx)
return geom.PtF32(pad.Left+width+pad.Right, pad.Top+height+pad.Bottom)
func (b *TextBox) TextChanged() *Events { return &b.textChanged }
@ -71,7 +68,7 @@ func (b *TextBox) TextChanged() *Events { return &b.textChanged }
func (b *TextBox) mousePosToCaretPos(ctx Context, e MouseEvent) int {
p := b.ToControlPosition(e.Pos())
offset := p.X -
f := b.Font_(ctx)
f := b.ActualFont(ctx)
var carets = [3]int{0, 0, len(b.Text)}
var offsets = [3]float32{0, 0, f.WidthOf(b.Text)}
var updateCenter = func() {
@ -262,7 +259,7 @@ func (b *TextBox) Render(ctx Context) {
back = ctx.Style().Palette.Background
font := b.Font_(ctx)
font := b.ActualFont(ctx)
if b.Selection.Start != b.Selection.End {
left, right := font.WidthOf(b.Text[:b.Selection.Start]), font.WidthOf(b.Text[:b.Selection.End])
renderer.FillRectangle(geom.RectF32(left, 0, right, size.Y), style.Palette.PrimaryHighlight)