Botanim 1.0.1 Stable
released this
2020-05-24 17:57:39 +00:00 | 9 commits to master since this releaseChangelog
Can build with Allegro as backend (see README.md for instructions).
New features:
- Can pan the terrain with W, A, S & D keys (D for digging has been replaced with H for harvesting).
- Added a bonus when harvesting a flower surrounded by more than two flowers.
- Added tooltips (menus & terrain indicators when planting).
- Added command line flag for extracting resources: --extract-resources.
- Mouse can be used for dialing.
- Added confirmation dialogs for loading, saving and starting a game.
- Added shortcuts for loading, saving and starting a game (Ctrl+L, Ctrl+S, Ctrl+N).
Bug fixes:
- Drag wasn't handled properly when mouse exits window.
- Buy flower icons are properly enabled on load game.
Botanim 1.0.0 Stable
released this
2020-05-11 13:52:43 +00:00 | 34 commits to master since this releaseFirst release.
Slightly modified since deadline: implementation of research is now working & fixed biggest bugs I could find in an hour.