Sander Schobers
Textures used to be 512x512px, cropped them to 128x160px. The width of the texture was first cropped to 130px and then resized to 128px (height was not resized).
185 lines
5.0 KiB
185 lines
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package tins2020
import (
type terrainRenderer struct {
terrain *Map
hover *Point
project projection
interact interaction
type interaction struct {
mousePos Point
mouseLeftDown bool
mouseDrag *Point
func NewTerrainRenderer(terrain *Map) Control {
return &terrainRenderer{terrain: terrain, project: newProjection()}
func (r *terrainRenderer) Init(ctx *Context) error {
return nil
func (r *terrainRenderer) Handle(ctx *Context, event sdl.Event) {
switch e := event.(type) {
case *sdl.MouseButtonEvent:
if e.Button == sdl.BUTTON_LEFT {
r.interact.mouseLeftDown = e.Type == sdl.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN
if r.interact.mouseLeftDown && r.interact.mouseDrag == nil {
r.interact.mouseDrag = &Point{e.X, e.Y}
} else if !r.interact.mouseLeftDown && r.interact.mouseDrag != nil {
r.interact.mouseDrag = nil
case *sdl.MouseMotionEvent:
if insideRect(e.X, e.Y, &r.project.windowRect) {
hover := r.project.screenToMap(e.X, e.Y)
r.hover = &Point{X: int32(Round32(hover.X)), Y: int32(Round32(hover.Y))}
} else {
r.hover = nil
if r.interact.mouseDrag != nil {
| =, e.Y-r.interact.mouseDrag.Y))
r.interact.mouseDrag = &Point{e.X, e.Y}
case *sdl.MouseWheelEvent:
if e.Y > 0 && r.project.zoom > .5 {
r.project.zoom *= .5
} else if e.Y < 0 && r.project.zoom < 4 {
r.project.zoom *= 2
case *sdl.WindowEvent:
if e.Event == sdl.WINDOWEVENT_RESIZED {
func insideRect(x, y int32, rect *sdl.Rect) bool {
return x >= rect.X && x < rect.X+rect.W && y >= rect.Y && y < rect.Y+rect.H
func insideRectPt(p Point, rect *sdl.Rect) bool { return insideRect(p.X, p.Y, rect) }
func (r *terrainRenderer) Render(ctx *Context) {
toTileTexture := func(x, y int32) *Texture {
temp := r.terrain.Temp.Value(x, y)
if temp < .35 {
return ctx.Textures.Texture("tile-snow")
if temp > .65 {
return ctx.Textures.Texture("tile-dirt")
return ctx.Textures.Texture("tile-grass")
variantToInt := func(variant float64) int {
if variant < .25 {
return 1
if variant < .5 {
return 2
if variant < .75 {
return 3
if variant < 1 {
return 4
return -1
variantToTexture := func(format string, variant float64) *Texture {
textName := fmt.Sprintf(format, variantToInt(variant))
return ctx.Textures.Texture(textName)
stretch := func(x, from, to float64) float64 { return (x - from) * 1 / (to - from) }
toPropTexture := func(temp, humid, variant float64) *Texture {
if temp < .35 {
if humid < .2 {
return nil
} else if humid < .7 {
return variantToTexture("bush-small-%d", variant*5)
return variantToTexture("tree-pine-%d", variant*5)
if temp > .65 {
if humid < .2 {
return nil
if humid < .7 {
return variantToTexture("cactus-short-%d", variant*7)
return variantToTexture("cactus-tall-%d", variant*2)
if humid < .2 {
return nil
multiplier := 1 - stretch(humid, 0.2, 1)
if variant < .5 {
return variantToTexture("tree-fat-%d", stretch(variant, 0, .5)*multiplier*3)
} else if variant < .8 {
return variantToTexture("grass-small-%d", stretch(variant, .5, .8)*multiplier*2)
return variantToTexture("bush-large-%d", stretch(variant, .8, 1)*multiplier)
toItemTexture := func(x, y int32) *Texture {
variant := r.terrain.Variant.Value(x, y)
_, ok := r.terrain.Flowers[Pt(x, y)]
if ok {
return variantToTexture("flower-poppy-%d", variant)
temp := r.terrain.Temp.Value(x, y)
humid := r.terrain.Humid.Value(x, y)
return toPropTexture(temp, humid, variant)
// horizontal: [0, 128) = 128
// vertical (tile): [96,160) = 64
// vertical (total): [0,160) = 160
r.project.visibleTiles(func(x, y int32, pos Point) {
text := toTileTexture(x, y)
rect := r.project.screenToTileRect(pos)
text.Copy(ctx.Renderer, rect)
if r.hover != nil && x == r.hover.X && y == r.hover.Y {
ctx.Textures.Texture("tile-hover").Copy(ctx.Renderer, rect)
r.project.visibleTiles(func(x, y int32, pos Point) {
text := toItemTexture(x, y)
if text == nil {
placeX, placeY := r.terrain.PlaceX.Value(x, y), r.terrain.PlaceY.Value(x, y)
pos = r.project.mapToScreenF(float32(x)-.2+float32(.9*placeX-.45), float32(y)-.2+float32(.9*placeY-.45))
text.Copy(ctx.Renderer, r.project.screenToTileRect(pos))
// gfx.RectangleColor(ctx.Renderer, r.project.windowRect.X, r.project.windowRect.Y, r.project.windowRect.X+r.project.windowRect.W, r.project.windowRect.Y+r.project.windowRect.H, sdl.Color{R: 255, A: 255})
// for y := int32(-40); y < 40; y++ {
// for x := int32(-40); x < 40; x++ {
// pos := r.project.mapToScreen(x, y)
// ctx.Fonts.Font("debug").RenderCopy(ctx.Renderer, fmt.Sprintf("(%d, %d)", x, y), pos, sdl.Color{R: 255, A: 255})
// }
// }