Sander Schobers 0f03760e66 Added Resize & SetIcon to Renderer.
Refactored Size (on Renderer) to return geom.Point instead of geom.PointF32.
Refactored Width and Height (on Texture) to return int instead of float32.

Refactored texture dimensions to be represented by ints instead of float32s.
2020-12-13 07:40:19 +01:00

136 lines
3.5 KiB

package ui
import (
type Checkbox struct {
selectedChanged Events
Selected bool
Text string
func BuildCheckbox(text string, fn func(c *Checkbox)) *Checkbox {
var c = &Checkbox{Text: text}
if fn != nil {
return c
func (c *Checkbox) desiredSize(ctx Context) geom.PointF32 {
var pad = ctx.Style().Dimensions.TextPadding
var font = ctx.Fonts().Font(c.FontName(ctx))
var w, h float32 = 0, font.Height()
if len(c.Text) != 0 {
w += pad + font.WidthOf(c.Text)
icon := c.getOrCreateNormalIcon(ctx)
_, iconWidth := ScaleToHeight(SizeOfTexture(icon).ToF32(), h)
w += pad + iconWidth
return geom.PtF32(w+pad, pad+h+pad)
func (c *Checkbox) icon(ctx Context) Texture {
if c.Selected {
return GetOrCreateIcon(ctx, "ui-default-checkbox-selected", c.selectedIcon)
} else if c.over && !c.Disabled {
return GetOrCreateIcon(ctx, "ui-default-checkbox-hover", c.hoverIcon)
return c.getOrCreateNormalIcon(ctx)
func (c *Checkbox) getOrCreateNormalIcon(ctx Context) Texture {
return GetOrCreateIcon(ctx, "ui-default-checkbox", c.normalIcon)
var checkBoxIconBorder = geom.PolF32(
geom.PtF32(48, 80),
geom.PtF32(400, 80),
geom.PtF32(400, 432),
geom.PtF32(48, 432),
var checkBoxCheckMark = geom.PointsF32{
geom.PtF32(96, 256),
geom.PtF32(180, 340),
geom.PtF32(340, 150),
func (c *Checkbox) hoverIcon(pt geom.PointF32) bool {
return (pt.DistanceToPolygon(checkBoxIconBorder) < 48 && !pt.InPolygon(checkBoxIconBorder)) || pt.DistanceToLines(checkBoxCheckMark) < 24
func (c *Checkbox) normalIcon(pt geom.PointF32) bool {
return pt.DistanceToPolygon(checkBoxIconBorder) < 48 && !pt.InPolygon(checkBoxIconBorder)
func (c *Checkbox) selectedIcon(pt geom.PointF32) bool {
if pt.DistanceToPolygon(checkBoxIconBorder) < 48 || pt.InPolygon(checkBoxIconBorder) {
return pt.DistanceToLines(checkBoxCheckMark) > 24
return false
func (c *Checkbox) DesiredSize(ctx Context, _ geom.PointF32) geom.PointF32 { return c.desiredSize(ctx) }
func (c *Checkbox) Handle(ctx Context, e Event) bool {
result := c.ControlBase.Handle(ctx, e)
if c.over {
if c.Disabled {
return true
if result {
return true
switch e := e.(type) {
case *MouseButtonDownEvent:
if e.Button == MouseButtonLeft && c.over {
c.Selected = !c.Selected
return c.selectedChanged.Notify(ctx, c.Selected)
return false
func (c *Checkbox) SelectedChanged() EventHandler { return &c.selectedChanged }
func (c *Checkbox) Render(ctx Context) {
var style = ctx.Style()
var palette = style.Palette
fore := c.TextColor(ctx)
bounds := c.bounds
var pad = style.Dimensions.TextPadding
bounds = bounds.Inset(pad)
boundsH := bounds.Dy()
pos := bounds.Min
icon := c.icon(ctx)
if icon != nil {
iconColor := fore
if c.Selected {
iconColor = c.FontColor(ctx, palette.Primary)
scaledIcon, _ := ctx.Textures().ScaledHeight(icon, boundsH) // try to pre-scale icon
if scaledIcon == nil { // let the renderer scale
scaledIcon = icon
_, iconWidth := ScaleToHeight(SizeOfTexture(scaledIcon).ToF32(), boundsH)
rect := geom.RectRelF32(pos.X, pos.Y, iconWidth, boundsH)
ctx.Renderer().DrawTextureOptions(scaledIcon, rect, DrawOptions{Tint: iconColor})
pos.X += iconWidth + pad
if len(c.Text) != 0 {
var fontName = c.FontName(ctx)
var font = ctx.Fonts().Font(fontName)
ctx.Renderer().Text(font, geom.PtF32(pos.X, pos.Y+.5*(boundsH-font.Height())), fore, c.Text)